We did it last year, let’s do it again!
Bob Dylan turns 81 this year, so, on his birthday, come celebrate his singular talent and the wealth of his songs with some of the region’s finest musicians, hosted by The Complete Unknowns.
A special musical project devoted to interpreting Dylan’s songs, and comprised of a veritable who’s who from the Baltimore musical community, The Complete Unknowns is a side venture for current members of several local acts, with Sam Nitzberg (The Old Part Of Town) on guitar, harmonica, and lead vocals; Alex Queral (Charm City Reactors, and a visual artist who’s shown his work here at the Creative Alliance) on lead guitar; Kirk Kness (Better Off Dead, Stewbone and Dawgone) on keyboards; Edward Graham (The Soul Magnets) on bass; and Jim Hannah (Rumba Club, Boister, and a multitude of other bands) on drums. Not just another tribute band—just as Dylan has done to keep things fresh in his own live performances, The Complete Unknowns’ sets feature quite a few revamped arrangements and reworkings from this deep and varied song catalog.
And once again keeping the interpretive theme going will be their special guests:
· Stable Shakers, from Chambersburg, PA, highlighted by the thrilling voice of Brechyn Chase, formerly of The Hello Strangers
· bluegrass boundary-defiers The High and Wides
· local R&B and soul favorite The Soul Magnets, fronted by the powerful Monica Graham
· cross-cultural folk group Ari & The Buffalo Kings, featuring Spanish guitar, flute, three-part harmonies, and rhythms from around the globe.